Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Project begins!

8-22-14: Mastication begins in the Donner Fire plantations.

10-years of study and planning are finally reaching implementation!

And here's some more great project news from the National Forest Foundation:
We were successful in securing funding for 7 projects on the Truckee River Treasured Landscapes site from Wildlife Conservation Board. WCB awarded $775,100 to implement the following restoration projects: Prosser fish habitat restoration, Outback watershed restoration, Jammer Chair stream & aspen restoration, Sagehen Creek fen restoration, Phoenix watershed improvements, Johnson Canyon restoration and Sagehen Sensitive Species Restoration. The Little Truckee River fish habitat project that was originally included in the proposal had to be delayed to November due a board member conflict of interest and subsequent lack of quorum to approve it but we expect to receive $188,800 for that project later this year. For the recently approved projects NFF, USFS, Truckee River Watershed Council and Sierra Nevada Conservancy contributed an additional $1.9 mn to implementation. WCB BOD members praised the project for its scale and cooperation among such a diversity of partners.
I’d like to thank Kim Boyd of the Tahoe RCD for being especially gracious to be the lead agency on the CEQA work that we had to complete in rapid order as well as the Forest Service and all the partners that made this grant successful. Hopefully there is much more to come. Nice job all! 
Vance Russell | NATIONAL FOREST FOUNDATION | 530.758.2609 | 803 2nd St., Suite A | Davis, CA |  | "