Thursday, March 27, 2014

Contract awarded! Grant received!

From Joanne...


I am very pleased to let you all know that the Tahoe National Forest was able to award our first contract implementing the decisions made for the Sagehen Project.  This is a wonderful and exciting step.  Everyone who participated has helped us get to this point.   We are also very pleased to announce that on March 12, 2014, the National Forest Foundation was awarded a $349,140 grant by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy that will allow implementation of the next phase of this project, as well.

I need to say that I am very proud of everyone who helped us get here.  This was truly a meeting of the minds. We started with a variety of ideas and through a great deal of good, hard work, came to an amazing place.  Everyone brought their passion but then took time to hear and understand everyone else.  I know there are still some different viewpoints, but this project is so much better today for the energy and effort that everyone put into the understanding that has developed. Thank you!

I need to say as proud as I am of everyone who participated, that I am particularly proud of the core team who put in so many hours and worked so hard to be sure we captured all the ideas and found ways to fit them together, who read and re-read the science until it could be incorporated into the design, who helped us craft a great project and then helped us explain it in the NEPA document.

I know that the implementation is our next opportunity and challenge but I welcome it and hope you do as well.  We have learned so much getting to this point, but I know that learning will continue.  Jeff Brown has told me so many times to get on with the implementation so the next group of scientists can watch us work, see the results and help us learn more.  Well, here we go….

Please accept my gratitude for your support.


Joanne B Roubique
District Ranger
Truckee Ranger District
10811 Stockrest Springs
Truckee, Ca 96161
530-587-3558 x 232